Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Mum gets son, 5, too drunk to walk, talk


HEADLINE: Mum gets son, 5, too drunk to walk, talk
A MUM got her five-year-old son so drunk he could barely speak or stand up, a court heard.
The Victorian boy was taken to hospital by ambulance with a blood alcohol content of .09 after she gave him four or five shots of home brew which was later found to be 44 per cent ethanol.
The mother was believed to drink several litres of alcohol a day herself.
Kylie Eastwood told police she "just wanted to have a drink with her son because he likes his alcohol", the Latrobe Valley Magistrates' Court at Morwell was told.
Eastwood, 33, was spared jail despite breaching two previous suspended sentences and a call by police for her to be jailed, the Herald Sun reports.


HEADLINE: Show Has Fans Decide If 'Reality Stars' Get Abortions
First it was the Real World, then came the Jersey Shore. Now, a new pseudoreality show is hoping to make an impression – only this time the cameras are following three actresses pretending to have unwanted pregnancies, and whether or not they decide to get an abortion is up to the viewers.
The "Bump" was conceived after President Obama's commencement address at Note Dame University last year where he said he wanted "to find ways to communicate about a workable solution to the problem of unintended pregnancies," executive producer Dominic Iocco told The Washington Post.
The pilot was launched on the eve of the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and starting Feb. 1 episodes will air twice a week on the show's Web site, and YouTube.


HEADLINE: Police run over dog, bill owner for damage
A GERMAN woman has hired a lawyer after being shocked to discover that not only did police deliberately run over her beloved dog, they have now sent her a hefty bill.
Robby, a nine-year-old Australian Shepherd, ran away on December 31 after being terrified by fireworks, and made it onto a nearby motorway, her owner Heidi Schwank, 65, told the Bild daily newspaper.
"A day after New Year's, the police phoned me and said that my Robby had been run over on the motorway ... The police claimed that a motorist had hit and killed Robby," Ms Schwank said, photographed clutching his picture.


HEADLINE: Giant condom balloon to tour the world
France is about to send a giant 36-meter-tall condom balloon – big enough for a pilot and three passengers – on a five-continent tour to promote World AIDS Day, MyFox National reported overnight.
At that size, the colossal condom would be far too big to participate in the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York, which limits its balloons to 21 meters in length, 12 meters in width and 24 meters in length.
Condomfiere (Condompride), as the balloon is nicknamed, will help AIDS awareness by passing out health information, AOL News reported. The campaign was started by CondomFly, which is a safe-sex organisation in France.


HEADLINE: Bag Balm Becomes Popular "Problem Salver"
SOURCE LINK:;morenews
Winter is most definitely here. It must be. The phones are ringing at Bag Balm headquarters.
Everyone wants a new tub of the gooey, yellow-green ointment. And all have a story about its problem-salving - they use it on squeaky bed springs, psoriasis, dry facial skin, cracked fingers, burns, zits, diaper rash, saddle sores, sunburn, pruned trees, rifles, shell casings, bed sores and radiation burns.
Everything, it seems, except for cows.
"Some, you don't really even want to hear, but they're gonna tell you anyway," said accounts manager Krystina McMorrow, who is half the office staff.


HEADLINE: Surgeons report the irresistible rise of the 'moob job'
Breast reduction for men is the fastest-growing part of the cosmetic surgery industry for the second year running, plastic surgeons have said.
The number of such operations rose from 323 in 2008 to 581 last year - an 80% increase - the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons said.
Pressure created by men's magazines was partly to blame, one surgeon said.
Cosmetic surgery appears to be defying the recession, with an overall increase in the number of procedures


HEADLINE: Man invents $7,000 talking sex robot
Las Vegas, Nevada To some men, she might seem like the perfect woman: She's a willowy 5 feet 7 and 120 pounds. She'll chat with you endlessly about your interests. And she'll have sex whenever you please -- as long as her battery doesn't run out.
Meet Roxxxy, who may be the world's most sophisticated talking female sex robot. For $7,000, she's all yours.
"She doesn't vacuum or cook, but she does almost everything else," said her inventor, Douglas Hines, who unveiled Roxxxy last month at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Lifelike dolls, artificial sex organs and sex-chat phone lines have been keeping the lonely company for decades. But Roxxxy takes virtual companionship to a new level.


HEADLINE: Kids to lick a battery, make a fire and bomb
PARENTING experts are outraged by a book encouraging children to make a bomb in a bag and cook CDs in a microwave.
Fifty Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do) , which details ways to expose youngsters to danger as part of their development, has become surprisingly popular among parents.
Child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg said the book was a massive over-reaction to "cotton wool" parenting.
"Young people should be encouraged to take healthy risks and it is in their psychological interests to do so," Dr Carr-Gregg said. "However, there is a huge difference between healthy risk-taking and actively encouraging young people to engage in activities that could scar, maim and kill."


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