Monday, February 16, 2009

Why Do Children have Access To Guns?

Headline: Mother killed by six-year-old son
Clip from:,27574,25060122-23109,00.html
Date of clip: 16.2.9
Caption: Why Do Children have Access To Guns?
A SIX -YEAR-OLD boy has accidentally shot his mother dead with his father's gun at their home in Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby.
The unnamed mother "from a prominent Port Moresby family" died on the way to hospital on Sunday afternoon, PNG's Post Courier newspaper reports.

The boy and his young brother were playing in the living room with their father's loaded gun when it went off and shot their mother in the chest.

Headline: Four-year-old 'broke into school, stole pens'
Clip from:
Date of clip: 16.2.9
Caption: Where were the parents????
POLICE say a four-year-old was among a group of children who broke into an Alice Springs school, smashing windows and stealing pens.
A teacher at Living Waters School contacted police after he visited the school about 6pm (CST) on Sunday and found five juveniles on the premises.

The offenders broke into the school by smashing a window before stealing various items, such as paints and pens, police said. The children fled when they saw the teacher but police apprehended the group a short time later.

Two of the children are eight years old, one is six and another is four.

Police said the age of the fifth child, who was the oldest in the group, was yet to be determined.

Officers took the children home and reports were made to the office of NT Families and Children.

Headline: Woman's airport fury an online hit
Clip from:
Date of clip: 15.2.9
Caption: Why Don't You Cry

A VIDEO of a hysterical passenger screaming at airline staff and writhing on the floor after missing a flight at Hong Kong airport has become a YouTube hit.
The three-minute clip of the furious woman had racked up close to 40,000 hits in three days on the video-sharing site.

The video starts with the screaming woman running towards the departure gate and bouncing off ...

Headline: New:Aliens 'may be living among us'
Clip from:
Date of clip: 15.2.9
Caption: Are you a space creature?
Aliens may be living among us, but we do not know it because they are microbes that do not have the standard biochemistry of Earth-dwelling organisms.
As well as the many forms of life based on DNA that are known to science, the Earth may have been home to a second creation of organisms that make up an unremarked realm of “life as we don’t know it”, according to Paul Davies, of Arizona State University, a cosmologist and theorist of extraterrestrial life...

Headline: Man Hoping To Get Fired Allegedly Trashes Eatery
Clip from:
Date of clip: 15.2.9
Caption: Brownies and Cookies Thrower
A restaurant worker was accused of trashing the place in an attempt to get fired and collect unemployment compensation. A criminal complaint filed Thursday said a 35-year-old man showed up at a Qdoba restaurant and started throwing brownies and cookies on the floor...

Headline: Burglary Victim Drives Off in Thieves' Getaway Van
Clip from:
Date of clip: 15.2.9
Caption: Ironic twist
BELLEVUE, Washington — A man in Washington state made sure a pair of burglars did not get away with his three flat-screen televisions — he moved their getaway car.

Patrick Rosario was in the basement of his Bellevue home on Tuesday when he heard the burglars upstairs.

The Seattle Times reported the 32-year-old Rosario, who had been laid off from his job as a Washington Mutual bank manager, called police while he sneaked out of the house.

He saw a white van sitting in front of his house with the motor running and the keys in the ignition, and he got in and drove it to a friend's house.

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