Sunday, March 01, 2009

Have baby while having heart surgery

Headline: Woman gave birth and had heart surgery at same time
Clip from:
Date of clip: 1.3.9
Caption: Have baby while having heart surgery
Rachael Joy, 36, initially went to hospital suffering from chest pains but doctors believed she just had a bad cough and sent her home.

Hours later she started coughing up blood, returned to hospital and doctors discovered she had aortic dissection, a rare and dangerous heart condition.

Mrs Joy, who was 36 weeks pregnant with her first baby, would have died from heart failure within 48 hours if the condition had been left untreated.

Even operating immediately meant she had a 25 per cent chance of dying on the operating table.

She said: "Suddenly I had an oxygen mask on my face and there were eight consultants in my room. I knew it wasn't good. They explained they needed to do an operation."

As she was anaesthetised Mrs Joy asked for her baby's life to be saved over her own.

Doctors first performed a caesarean and her son Charlie was born, weighing 5lbs 4oz. Then, surgeons started performing a marathon six hours of open heart surgery.

Headline: 'Sexercise' yourself into shape
Clip from:
Date of clip: 1.3.9
Caption: Beautiful Agony
'Sexercise' yourself into shape

Forget about jogging round the block, the NHS says
The NHS has some new advice for people struggling to schedule a fitness routine into their daily lives - a workout between the sheets.

According to the NHS Direct website, "sexercise" can lower the risk of heart attacks and helps people live longer.

Endorphins released during orgasm stimulate immune system cells, which also helps target illnesses like cancer, as well as wrinkles, it states.

Sexual health experts said such claims could not be scientifically proven.

"It's good to see the NHS are promoting sexual wellbeing," Dr Melissa Sayer told the Guardian newspaper.

Headline: Man Allegedly Steals Ambulance That Came To Crash
Clip from: CBSnewscom.
Date of clip: 1.3.9
Caption: Crash Victim 'I'll Drive Myself"
A man was arrested for allegedly stealing an ambulance that arrived to help him after a car crash. The California Highway Patrol said a 20-year-old man drove his Honda Accord off State Route 299 and over an embankment into several trees Thursday night.

When emergency personnel arrived, he refused treatment. Instead he hopped into the ambulance and sped away.

CHP officers and Humboldt County deputies gave chase and managed to disable the ambulance by laying spikes on the road.

Headline: Woman fired for singing at work
Clip from:
Date of clip: 28.2.9
Caption: Singing in the Rain
A 47-year-old woman from Ghana has won six months' wages as compensation after her Italian employer fired her for singing on the job, her labour union said yesterday. Mirco Rota, secretary-general of the CGIL steelworkers' branch in Bergamo, northern Italy, said the woman -- a long-term employee who had lived in the country for 20 years -- was fired from a metalworking shop for "singing and bothering her colleagues." "That's ridiculous, given that her work -- hammering metal -- meant she couldn't be heard beyond one metre," he said.

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