Thursday, April 09, 2009

Going once, going twice, going three times. The sperm goes to you.

Headline: Divorce Court No Place For Frozen Dog Sperm Flap
Origin of Clip: 9.4.9
Caption: Going once, going twice, going three times. The sperm goes to you
The judge wondered if she was an unwitting participant in an episode of "Candid Camera" or "Punk'd." Oakland County Family Court Judge Cheryl Matthews wasn't. She just had a front-bench seat Wednesday for a feud between a divorced couple over who gets frozen sperm from bull mastiffs they bred in happier times.

When Anthony and Karen Scully split in 2002, they divvied up the six bull mastiffs they owned. He kept four; she took two. Now, they're fighting over who owns the semen from Cyrus, Regg and Romeo that's being stored at a center in Sterling Heights.

Headline: Texas Top Cop Fired, Jailed for Allegedly Tasering Wife
Origin of Clip: 9.4.9
Caption: Cop Zaps Wife
OAKWOOD, Texas — The chief of a small Central Texas town's police department has been fired and jailed for allegedly using a Taser gun on his wife.

Former Oakwood police chief Oly Ivy is in Leon County Jail in Centerville on Wednesday, charged with aggravated assault. Bond is $100,000.

Ivy, 30, was arrested near Palestine on Monday. The city council fired him that night.

Ivy's attorney, Charley Johnson, tells KXXV-TV in Waco that his client "is taking these allegations very seriously." He says he intends for Ivy to "be treated the same as anybody in this situation."

Headline: Man Accidentally Shoots Himself At Drive-through
Origin of Clip: 9.4.9
Caption: OMG What did he hit ? - Whew!
A stop at a fast-food restaurant's drive-through on Tuesday afternoon led to a trip to the hospital after a man accidentally shot himself in the leg with a pistol. The 24-year-old man was apparently trying to clear the weapon when it went off and hit him in the calf.

Police said the man didn't need a permit because the gun wasn't concealed, so he didn't break any laws.

Headline: Baseball Team Does Animal Sacrifice to Stop Losing
Origin of Clip: 9.4.9
Caption: Now this is strange
PALM HARBOR, Fla. — A Tampa Bay area high school baseball coach has been temporarily relieved of his duties while authorities investigate the killing and burial of a snake on his team's field.

Palm Harbor University High School second baseman Zach Sobel says Jeremy Albrecht told the team last week that they were "snake-bitten" and needed to stop their losing streak.

So, Sobel says, the team bought and killed a snake, then buried it on the field during the school's spring break.

The coach wasn't present.

A Pinellas County schools spokeswoman says Albrecht is temporarily sidelined while authorities investigate.

A sheriff's office spokeswoman says nothing has been found on the field...

Headline: Skeleton Found in Tree Nearly 30 Years After Suicide
Origin of Clip: 9.4.9
Caption: Very Creepy
A skeleton of a German man who shot and killed himself in a tree has been found by a hiker – nearly 30 years later.

Police said the 69-year-old retiree who had been missing since 1980 tied himself to the tree before firing the gun, Reuters reported.

His remains were discovered after an 18-year-old hiker found a bone in the forest last week and brought it to police, who then searched the area, Reuters reported.

"We found the skeleton up in the tree with the pistol hanging on a rope next to it," police spokesman Leonard Mayer was quoted as saying.

Headline: Police: Man Cut And Stabbed After Flatulence Fight
Origin of Clip: 8.4.9
Caption: Fart Fight
Police said a fight over flatulence left one man stabbed and another facing an assault charge. A statement Wednesday said police were called to a motel where several men from the Houston area were sharing a room. Police said a 35-year-old man allegedly passed gas in the room Tuesday night.

Police said one of the other men became upset, picked up a knife and threw it at the 35-year-old man, who was cut in the leg. The suspect was accused of then stabbing the man in the chest.

Headline: Mass. Schools to Issue 'Fat' Report Cards on Students
Origin of Clip: 8.4.9
Caption: Fat Report
BOSTON — Massachusetts health officials have approved regulations that would require sending children's Body Mass Index measurements home to parents.

The Public Health Council voted unanimously Wednesday to calculate student heights and weights, which are already measured annually, into a Body Mass Index measuring their overall proportions.

The results will be sent home to parents for students in first, fourth, seventh and 10th grades in a package explaining what they mean and how parents can best combat obesity.

Department of Public Health Medical Director Lauren Smith says Massachusetts will join Arkansas in notifying parents about a child's Body Mass Index. Eighteen other states require a BMI calculation.

Headline: Mother Wins Right to Harvest Dead Son's Sperm
Origin of Clip: 8.4.9
Caption: Is this not incest after the fact?

AUSTIN, Texas — A judge has granted a mother's request to have someone harvest sperm from her dead son's body, so she can have the option of carrying out his wish to have children.

Nikolas Colton Evans, 21, died Sunday at a hospital after being punched and falling outside an Austin bar March 27.

His mother, Marissa Evans, told the Austin American-Statesman newspaper that he wanted to have three sons someday and had even picked out their names: Hunter, Tod and Van.

"I want him to live on. I want to keep a piece of him," she told the newspaper.

Travis County Probate Judge Guy Herman ruled Monday in an emergency hearing requested by the mother, because of the urgency of collecting the sperm intact.
Court documents said the sperm had to be collected within 24 hours of Nikolas Evans being removed from life support unless the body was cooled to no more than 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit (4 Celsius).
Herman ordered the county medical examiner's office to continue storing the body at the proper temperature until the sperm could be collected.

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