Saturday, April 04, 2009

Nude at Hortons

Headline: Drive-thru nude at Tim Hortons
Origin of Clip: 4.4.9
Caption: Nude at Hortons
Defying conventional wisdom about the dangers of mixing hot beverages and naked bodies, a man showed up skin to seat at a Tim Hortons drive-through Thursday morning. "My understanding is a gentleman came through the drive-through operating a mini-van wearing nothing but a smile," said Sgt. David Cowan of Saint John police. Police were called, but the clothing-liberated driver had already driven away. Cowan said he didn't know if the driver got his coffee.

Headline: It's official - you look like your dog
Origin of Clip: 4.4.9
Caption: That wasn't me that was my dog
SCIENTISTS have proved it is possible to match a person to their dog just by their appearance.

And the study suggests a possible reason - people are drawn to pets with similar physical attributes.

Men and women shown pictures of dog owners and asked to guess whether they had a labrador, poodle or staffordshire bull terrier fared almost twice as well as would be expected by chance.

Researchers at Britain's Bath Spa University first set out to see if dogs and their masters had similar personalities.

Headline: Va. Boy Takes Truck, Horses to Texas Rodeo
Origin of Clip: 3.4.9
Caption: It was the cowboy in him
A 13-year-old Virginia boy apparently loaded his family's pickup truck with food, clothes and his dog, hitched up a trailer with two horses in tow and drove nearly 1,300 miles to Texas, police said. The teen's parents found him safe Friday.

Police are unsure why the boy ran away Wednesday morning from his Jetersville-area home. He apparently was well-prepared, even bringing extra propane tanks along.

Wyatt E. McLaughlin was found about 2 p.m. Friday on a rodeo grounds near Weatherford, Texas, where he had performed several times before. His parents looked for him there on a hunch, said Sgt. Tom Cunningham, a Virginia State Police spokesman.

Headline: No more fishing, says man speared in head
Origin of Clip: 3.4.9
Caption: What a headache
A BRAZILIAN man says he is done with underwater fishing after an accident left him with a spear embedded 15cm into his skull.

Doctors removed the spear from Emerson de Oliveira Abreu's brain and said he would have died had it entered his skull at a different angle, The Associated Press reports.

Mr Aberu is now in a stable condition and said he would "never more" fish with spears.

Mr Abreu told Globo TV he felt "a sharp pain" after the spear hit a rock and bounced back into his head just above his left eye.

He described the pain he felt every time he touched the spear or when the ambulance hit bumps in the road as unbearable...

Headline: Pill that can cure shoplifters
Origin of Clip: 3.4.9
Caption: Sex Cereal
They found the drug naltrexone helped take away the "thrill" that drives some kleptomaniacs to steal.
"It gets rid of that rush and desire," said Dr Jon Grant, of the University of Minnesota in America, who led the study.
Writing in the Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Dr Grant and colleagues said they tested 25 patients who spent an average of at least one hour a week stealing.
Dr Grant said that these are people who steal "even though they can easily afford not to", and that they are troubled by their behaviour.
Over eight weeks some of the volunteers took naltrexone, while the others took a placebo or dummy drug.

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