Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Sad Irony of the World

Headline: 'Sorry' Note Left Near Texas Hit-and-Run Victim
Origin of Clip: 1.4.9
Caption: The Sad Irony of the World
LEAGUE CITY, Texas — Police in League City, Texas, say a hit-and-run driver in a fatal crash apparently left a note expressing remorse near the victim's body.

An investigator who asked to be identified only as Detective Aldridge said Tuesday that no arrests have been made in the death of 34-year-old Maurice Jones.

The note was scribbled on paper from a spiral notebook. Aldridge says the note may have been written by a woman but he declined to reveal more details.

Headline: Men can 'laugh women into bed' with GSOH, say psychologists
Origin of Clip: 1.4.9
Caption:Laughing all the way
"The findings provide evidence that women use humour as an indication of a guy's intelligence.

"Intelligence is a very attractive quality as a clever man should be more able to provide resources for his offspring.

"But guys be warned: not just any gag will do. We discovered that the humour must be genuinely funny for the man to be judged as more intelligent."

James Corden, the comedy star of BBC hit Gavin and Stacey, has said that being funny helped him to attract women from his teenage years onwards.

“My weight was never a concern for me. I could always talk to them and make them laugh, so they tended to overlook my physical imperfections,” said Corden, who is currently dating actress Sheridan Smith.

To rate the attractiveness of a sense of humour in the study, 45 heterosexual women were asked to read shorts descriptions of themselves compiled by 20 men, 10 of which were scored ss extremely funny and 10 as only slightly funny..

Headline: Sick city thrilled by violent crash deaths
Origin of Clip: 1.4.9

Caption: Gravely SICK!! One of the most shocking accounts we have posted on this blog
... (Event 1) When a young mother crashed into a tree at Burwood, in Sydney's west, on Monday night her male loved-one ran to the car, pulling at the door in a desperate attempt to try to free her while her head slumped over. The woman, thought to be in her 30s, died instantly. Still he pulled at the door as the car started to smoke. He was screaming for help but some of the residents just walked out of their homes and stared.....(Event 1 ends)

(Event2)...Three hours later, a truck flipped at Yagoona in Sydney's southwest. The impact of the crash crushed the middle-aged male driver of the prime mover carrying a shipping container. Hanging upside-down, his legs gripped in the twisted metal, the dying man screamed in pain and yelled "help, help, help" to a crowd assembling at the roadside....(Event 2 ends)

(Events 1 & 2 summary)..They died as mothers in pyjamas and dressing gowns watched on with dozy toddlers. As teenagers strutted around the crime scene, exhilarated, to see tragedy unfold. Sirens and flashing blue-red lights of emergency cars or as one youth says, "the party vans" lured them to the scene. They jostled to find a clearer view. They laughed, maybe at a private joke, and took photographs. The bodies were still in view. Gore porn. Crash victims too often die, not only in excruciating pain but as a public spectacle. The final screams of a dying man, the last breath of a dying woman, in front of a thrilled audience murmuring at the horror of it all, yet sipping from a mug of hot coffee as they move closer to the action. "He was screaming, he was yelling for help," one man said at the scene. Theirs was a grim end. They died and crowds stared, shocked and open-mouthed, or wide-eyed and jovial and did little to help..... At both scenes there were good Samaritans.....but one could give the crash victims the dignity of dying without spectators, their children in tow, treating crime scenes as movie theatres with snacks and drinks. Because the last thing that the dying victims saw was just that.

Headline: Moms Swap Toddlers After Hospital Baby Mix-Up
Origin of Clip: 31.3.9
Caption: Swap Meet
Two mothers in Russia have been forced to swap their two-year-old sons after DNA tests revealed the children had been mixed up as newborns by a careless nurse.
A court ordered the two heartbroken women to exchange the boys they had raised as their own, according to Russian media reports.
The error was uncovered when one of the mothers, Anna Androsova, discovered her son's maternity ward ID tag actually had the mother's name Zarema Taisumova on it.
Androsova tracked down the Chechen woman, saw the blue-eyed boy and declared, "This is my son."
But Taisumova refused to swap the children, dismissing the claims of physical resemblance.
The hospital in central Russia ordered DNA tests, which came back with definitive results — the boys had been mixed up.
Androsova initially pleaded with her family to keep Nikita, the boy she had raised for two years as her own.
But she later decided to pursue the exchange through the court.
Weeks after the switch, Taisumova was still deep in shock, interviewed on Russian television with her biological son playing on her lap.

Headline: Sneezing Fit Causes Driver To Crash Into Ore. Home
Origin of Clip: 31.3.9
Caption: He Sneezed
Add sneezing while driving to the list of potential safety hazards. Authorities said a sneezing fit caused 25-year-old Ramon Stephen Ayala to lose control of his vehicle Saturday and hit a home. Marion County Sheriff's Office Cmdr. Kevin Schultz said Ayala sneezed as he headed toward an intersection around 1 a.m.

When he stopped sneezing, he had run a stop sign and tried to hit the brakes. But it was too late. Ayala's 2001 Volkswagen Jetta crashed into a corner of a house.

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