Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cop loses job for giving small fines

HEADLINE: Cop loses job for giving small fines
SOURCE LINK:,27574,26398689-2,00.html
A VICTORIA Police sergeant has been sacked for using his discretion to give speeding drivers smaller fines than the law required him to do.

The officer is believed to have booked about 500 people over two years around Avondale Heights, in Melbourne's west.

He reduced the penalty for drivers through means such as increasing a zone's speed limit on a ticket.

If a motorist was caught driving 80km/h in a 60km/h speed zone, the sergeant allegedly falsely increased the speed limit to 70km/h so the driver would be fined less and receive one instead of three demerit points off his licence...

HEADLINE: 'Mr. Right' Dupes Woman Out of $50,000 Online
SOURCE LINK:,2933,576592,00.html
ABUJA, Nigeria — Authorities say an Australian woman who fell in love online was duped out of nearly $50,000 by a Nigerian man who said he was her "Mr. Right."

Lawal Adewale Nurudeen was sentenced to 19 years in prison and ordered to repay the woman. On Monday, Nigeria's anti-graft agency said about $9,300 that had been gathered so far would be returned.

Nigerian authorities say the 28-year-old man presented himself as a Briton working in Nigeria for a multinational company. Nurudeen told the 56-year-old woman he was a widower whose wife and only child had died in a car accident...

HEADLINE: Missing Boy Spent 11 Days in NYC Subway
SOURCE LINK:,2933,576587,00.html?test=latestnews
NEW YORK — The mother of a 13-year-old boy with Asperger's syndrome who was missing in New York City for 11 days says her son spent the entire time in the subway system.

The boy's mother, Marisela Garcia, feels police were slow to make the case a priority because she's a Mexican immigrant.

But police say they contacted the school immediately and leafleted most of the city.

Garcia wants to know how her son went unnoticed for so long despite surveillance cameras and a police search. He has Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism.

Police found Francisco Hernandez Jr. on Oct. 26 in a Coney Island subway station.

He says he took refuge in the subway after getting in trouble at school and feared a scolding at home.

HEADLINE: World's oldest sheep runs out of luck
SOURCE LINK:,27574,26397706-421,00.html
LUCKY, the world's oldest sheep, has died and has been buried on the Victorian property where she was born and hand-reared more than 23 years ago.

Lucky, who was abandoned by her mother and has delivered 35 offspring of her own, died on her farm at Lake Bolac, west of Ballarat, on Monday morning aged 23 years, six months and 28 days - a Guinness-certified world record age for a sheep.

HEADLINE: Lovers give Sydney sky-high live sex show
SOURCE LINK:,27574,26393556-29277,00.html
TWO daring young lovers have been caught having sex at the top of Sydney's historic clock tower.
Extraordinary pictures obtained by the Daily Telegraph show the couple apparently giving each other a number of very special hugs against the balcony underneath the giant clock across the road from Broadway Shopping Centre, near the University of Sydney, at 3.30pm on Friday.

The pair were in full view of the busy street below and almost seemed to be deliberately on display, soon attracting a crowd of onlookers.

The pictures were taken by a bystander from a bus stop across the road, where people were pointing and laughing at the twosome.

"A few other people had noticed as well and when I started taking photos everyone in the area started to look up and point, laugh, grin," the witness said.

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