Monday, November 23, 2009

Florida Officials Call Off Search for Runaway Monkey

HEADLINE: Florida Officials Call Off Search for Runaway Monkey
SOURCE LINK:,2933,576317,00.html?test=latestnews
OLDSMAR, Fla. — Authorities have called off the search for a runaway monkey near Tampa.

The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission had been attempting to capture the 30-pound monkey after it was seen in trees and rooftops near an apartment complex on Sunday.

Deputies say the monkey was last seen entering a heavily wooded area near Oldsmar, 17 miles northwest of Tampa.

A crowd looked on as officers tried to chase down the monkey on Sunday.

“They finally got it to jump down and it ran right across the building areas and it kept running away from them. They got it cornered once, but I guess it eluded them again and took off into the woods,” said Florida resident Ashley Thompson.

Officials are warning residents that the monkey, likely a macaque, can be aggressive. Any residents that spot the animal should contact Pinellas deputies

HEADLINE: N.Y. Man Sues City After Medics Throw Ear in Trash
SOURCE LINK:,2933,575947,00.html
NEW YORK — A man from the Bronx is suing New York City after emergency workers tossed his ear, which was ripped off by his son's bull terrier, in the trash, the New York Daily News reported.

The lawsuit filed in Bronx Supreme Court says emergency services workers placed the large chunk of the upper ear that had been ripped off of Eduardo Garcia, 67, on ice, but threw it in the garbage after arriving at Montefiore Medical Center.

"Now he's got a deformity," Garcia's lawyer, Andrew Friedman, told the Daily News. "They deprived him of an opportunity to have treatment."

Hospital records say the ear was thrown out because there was a "potential risk of contamination or infection" if it was reattached.

Friedman argues that Garcia should have been given the option to rebuild his ear, but was left with 22 stitches, two staples and a life without a lobe.

HEADLINE: Christmas sale surge cripples eBay
SOURCE LINK:,28348,26386876-5014239,00.html
A SURGE of online traders brought eBay to a worldwide standstill at the weekend.

Consumers looking at the UK, US and Australian sites reported difficulties with the site's search function.

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The problem is believed to have started around midnight on Saturday with customers still experiencing problems in Australia yesterday afternoon.

An eBay spokesman said a huge spike in the number of sellers posting for Christmas had crippled the site's search function.

"The demand is unprecedented. At the moment we have more than 200 million live listings. That's 33 per cent more than the same time a year ago," eBay spokesman Daniel Feiler said.

"Normally throughout the year we have between 110 million to 120 million listings.

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