Monday, November 16, 2009

'Perfect crime' bank robber surrenders

HEADLINE: 'Perfect crime' bank robber surrenders
SOURCE LINK:,27574,26360996-23109,00.html
THE driver of a security van who vanished earlier this month with more than €11 million ($17.5 million) in cash has surrendered to police in Monaco, French authorities said.
Toni Musulin disappeared with his vehicle while on a delivery round in the eastern French city of Lyon on November 5, shortly after taking charge of sacks of cash from a local branch of the Bank of France.

The heist, which admirers said appeared to be the perfect crime, turned Musulin into a folk hero with Facebook groups, a flood of Twitter entries and at least one website presenting him as a plucky underdog turned criminal mastermind.

WANTED: Dead Heads and Pot Heads
Dead heads and pot heads take note. While the straight economy goes up in smoke with double digit unemployment, job prospects for hippies are booming -- and not just for boomers
At the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) they're looking to hire an official Grateful Dead archivist.
And in Denver, where Colorado's medical marijuana industry is legally flourishing, there are these two recent job postings:
The alternative newspaper Westword is advertising for a pot reviewer, asking for a short essay from applicants on "What Marijuana Means to Me".

HEADLINE: Team Drills for Scotch Whiskey in Antarctic Ice
SOURCE LINK:,2933,575312,00.html?test=latestnews
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A beverage company has asked a team to drill through Antarctica's ice for a lost cache of some vintage Scotch whiskey that has been on the rocks since a century ago.

The drillers will be trying to reach two crates of McKinlay and Co. whiskey that were shipped to the Antarctic by British polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton as part of his abandoned 1909 expedition.

Whyte & Mackay, the drinks group that now owns McKinlay and Co., has asked for a sample of the 100-year-old scotch for a series of tests that could decide whether to relaunch the now-defunct Scotch.
HEADLINE: Man poses as father-and-son in sex scam
SOURCE LINK:,27574,26356433-401,00.html
A 55-year-old Taiwanese man tricked up to 20 women into having sex with him in an elaborate scam where he posed as both a handsome young man and that man's ailing father, local media reported today.

Hsu Shian-ming, who was arrested on Saturday, allegedly posted photos of a youthful male model online, claiming to be that person, and attracted numerous calls from women interested in romantic liaisons, the China Post reported.

Hsu would then use the telephone conversations to tell his victims he had a father whose medical condition required constant sex to stay alive, sweet-talking them into doing what was necessary to save him, it said.

HEADLINE: Most restaurants serve crap - sued critic
SOURCE LINK:,27574,26355892-421,00.html
A FOOD critic being sued for defamation over a bad review says most restaurants in Australia serve "crap" food.

Under cross-examination in the New South Wales Supreme Court, Matthew Evans also said while he believed a bad review could have some impact on a restaurant, it was not enough to cause its demise.

Mr Evans and John Fairfax, publishers of The Sydney Morning Herald, are being sued by Aleksandra Gacic, her sister Ljiljana Gacic, and Branislav Ciric, owners of the now defunct restaurant Coco Roco at Sydney's King Street Wharf.

In September 2003, the paper published a review referring to "unpalatable" dishes, describing the restaurant's overall value as "a shocker" and scoring it 9/20 - in the "stay home" category.

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