Sunday, January 03, 2010

Canada, get ready to Look Good Naked


HEADLINE: Canada, get ready to Look Good Naked
Zain Meghji hosts How To Look Good Naked Canada.

Q: Your goal on the show is take women who can't face themselves in the mirror and get them to the point where they're confident enough to walk a runway wearing nothing but lingerie. As a man, how do you tap into their feelings?

A: Growing up, I struggled with body confidence. I was a tall, skinny, gangly character. I used to wear ill-fitting, baggy clothes all the time. But I learned how to dress to suit my build. A friend of mine once challenged me to look in the mirror and say, "I am beautiful," which was difficult, but ultimately liberating. I get these women because I understand what they are going through. Supporting them reminds me to stay a better person. ...


HEADLINE: Outrage over 'heroin for dummies' fliers
HERE'S the latest smack on taxpayers. New York City spent $US32,000 ($35,610) on 70,000 fliers that tell you how to shoot heroin, complete with detailed tips on prepping the dope and injecting it into your arm.
The health department handout has outraged New York's top drug prosecutors and abuse experts.
"It's basically step-by-step instruction on how to inject a poison," said John Gilbride, who heads the Drug Enforcement Administration's New York office.


HEADLINE: Mysterious G-spot just a myth - study
A SEXUAL quest that has for years baffled millions of women, and men, may have been in vain.
A study by British scientists has found that the mysterious G-spot, the sexual pleasure zone said to be possessed by some women but denied to others, may not exist at all.
The scientists at King’s College London who carried out the study claim there is no evidence for the existence of the G-spot, supposedly a cluster of internal nerve endings, outside the imagination of women influenced by magazines and sex therapists. They reached their conclusions after a survey of more than 1800 British women.


HEADLINE: A smacked child 'is a successful child'
YOUNG children smacked by their parents may grow up to be happier and more successful than those who have never been hit, a study has found.
According to the research, children smacked up to the age of six were likely as teenagers to perform better at school and were more likely to carry out volunteer work and to want to go to university than their peers who had never been physically disciplined.
Only those children who continued to be smacked into adolescence showed clear behavioral problems.


HEADLINE: Love and honour, yes – but fidelity, non
A prominent female psychologist has warmed the hearts of French men by shining an unusually sympathetic spotlight on the national sport in a book about adultery.
The church may not approve but Gallic womanisers will raise a glass to Maryse Vaillant for defending their right to stray now and then from the marital bed. Fidelity, she says, is overrated. The occasional fling could even be good for a marriage, she proclaims.
It will no doubt reinforce France’s reputation as home of the sexual free-for-all.


HEADLINE: Women's feet getting bigger
Women's feet are getting bigger, with the average shoe size up from a five to a six in the past five years, figures have found. Medical experts believe that the rise in size is down to the obesity epidemic, pointing to high-density foods such as pizza being eaten during puberty stimulating the growth hormone. The research from Debenhams found that in 2009, ladies' size nines sales increased by 23 per cent, while sales of size sixes jumped by 17 per cent.


HEADLINE: Paid $6.8m for mansion, then wrecked it
ONE is a millionaire's mansion in Brisbane that apparently wasn't even worth renovating, ending up in a pile of rubble.
The other is one of Queensland's most expensive and exclusive homes that has gone on the market at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast after its American computer-whiz owner decided to call it quits after years of construction controversy.


HEADLINE: Identical Twins Born in 2 Separate Decades
TAMPA, Fla. — Identical twin boys in Florida will get to celebrate their birthdays individually after they were born in separate decades.
Margarita Velasco delivered the twins by cesarean section at Tampa General Hospital.
Marcello was delivered just before midnight. His twin, Stephano, was delivered just as the new year began.
Their father Juan says it'll be good for each boy to have his own birthday party.


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