Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mother held for five hours and DNA tested for refusing to give children their ball back to teach them a lesson




Warning Goes Out After Ala. Inmate Gets Lost While Playing A Fugitive In A Training Exercise... READ MORE


Every cover (with the exception of Lima’s) will feature a scratch-off “V” to reveal an ever sexier, revealing shot... READ MORE


It's the first ship to offer studios for single passengers. It has the largest spa... READ MORE


Colorado Woman Gets 30 Days In Jail For Taping Boyfriend's Dog To Refrigerator In Jealous Fit... READ MORE


California doctors removed a woman's gallbladder through her mouth using a new surgical technique, ... READ MORE


Facebook does not allow images of female nipples on their site, including breast-feeding nipples and expensive doll nipples... READ MORE


THE owners of a cat reported their pet to the police after it started stealing dozens of knickers and items of underwear from neighbouring gardens... READ MORE


THE traditional English pub has truly earned its name as the nation's local — with the launch of this inflatable boozer you can blow up in your garden... READ MORE


A CHINESE airport was dramatically closed after an ALIEN craft was detected by baffled air traffic controllers... READ MORE


A SCHOOL lab technician has been found guilty of dousing a 17-year-old student's dust mask in chloroform, knocking her unconscious... READ MORE


An 80-year-old Arizona woman has been found living with 104 mostly dead or dying cats.... READ MORE


POLICE have appealed for the owners to come forward after the discovery of a pig and dog running free together near Melbourne... P


Police in New Mexico say a father taught his 6-year-old son how to build explosives, ... READ MORE


NH Priest To Look For Jesus In Flag Of Water Park Credited With Improving Business... READ MORE


A treasure hunter has found about 52,500 Roman coins, one of the largest such finds ever in Britain... READ MORE


Police have arrested 31-year-old Patricia Dye of Franklin, Ohio, for impersonating a 14-year-old boy in order to have sex with a teenage girl... READ MORE


A DUTCH railway worker was sacked from his job for sawing a colleague's vuvuzela in half in a fit of rage... READ MORE


An Indian woman gave birth to a baby in the lavatory of an international passenger plane and tried to dispose of it down the toilet... READ MORE


UNDERTAKERS in Belgium have said they want to save the environment by liquefying corpses instead of cremating them... READ MORE


A MAN has gone to jail after being caught with marijuana taped to his penis... READ MORE


a children's nanny, was found dead in bed last October with a vibrator by her side and an erotic movie playing on her laptop... READ MORE


THE Spanish Prime Minister has jokingly offered state protection for the German octopus that has predicted a slew of correct results of World Cup matches... READ MORE


TAIWANESE dentists have urged fast food chains to drop over-sized hamburgers from their menus following a growing number of jaw injury cases... READ MORE


A teenage fugitive with a celebrated history of escapes has allegedly committed several nighttime burglaries in the Bahamas, eluding an FBI-aided manhunt on the sliver of an island where he crash-landed a stolen plane... READ MORE


AN 80-year-old woman has become one of Victoria's oldest hoon drivers after she was caught speeding by 64km/h... READ MORE


Authorities have charged a 29-year-old man with aggravated assault and false imprisonment after they allege he held his mother hostage for failing to iron his clothes... READ MORE


..dubbed the "barefoot bandit" for allegedly committing some crimes while shoeless.. a teenage thief who police say has brazenly made his way across the U.S. has apparently graduated to international fugitive, crash-landing a stolen plane and disappearing... READ MORE


A MAN found dead in his trash-strewn Pennsylvania home had lain there for so long that his starving cats had begun feeding on his corpse... READ MORE


A man went to the police after getting robbed by a woman he intended to pay for sex, but refused when she flashed a smile full of bad teeth... READ MORE


A NIGERIAN man was arrested after police found he was carrying bags filled with the dead bodies of 70 babies... READ MORE


(The woman) allegedly brought on by a potent combination of Diet Coke and a bottle of vanilla extract. The extract contains 35 percent alcohol by volume... READ MORE


The mating habits of deep-sea squid have been revealed for the first time, after the discovery of a male squid with a huge elongated and erect penis... READ MORE


SHRIMPS around the coasts of Britain are getting high on antidepressants... READ MORE


Bangladeshi sex workers are risking their lives by taking steroid drugs commonly used to fatten cattle to give them an older, plumper appearance... READ MORE


A TEXAS truck driver who died when he jumped from his moving vehicle may have been trying to claim insurance, police said... READ MORE


A bizarre feud between a bird breeder and one of his customers is to continue after an allegedly impotent cockatoo had to perform a "test flight" in front of judges... READ MORE


A child who dropped a toy gun in a bank sparked a mass evacuation when a customer spotted it and thought it was real... READ MORE


RUSSIANS stuck in a traffic jam watched in astonishment as a two-metre-long python slithered into a neighbouring car... READ MORE


Star Wears Illegal Contact Lenses in Music Video, Sparks Craze for Enlarged Iris Look... READ MORE


Curry spices could hold the key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, scientists claimed... READ MORE


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