Monday, October 11, 2010

Armless pianist wins 'China's Got Talent'


A MAN who plays the piano with his toes has won the "China's Got Talent" final in Shanghai. ... READ MORE


The shape of a person's ears could provide a new way of identifying people in airports following new research ... READ MORE


KELLY Osbourne was told she could not enter a Tokyo gym - because her tattoos were on display. ... READ MORE


Back pain has replaced the headache as the country's biggest passion-killer, according to a survey. ... READ MORE


... the schoolgirl left empty handed when she was told she could not buy the pack because it contained a pencil sharpener. ... READ MORE


Marini's has married two of the world's most delicious ingredients and given us the unusual combination of chocolate covered bacon. ... READ MORE


A NUDE person was escorted from the audience as President Barack Obama spoke at a rally in Philadelphia yesterday... READ MORE


"CUDDLE class'' is tipped to become the next big thing in air travel when it launches next month as the class divide on planes continues to narrow. ... READ MORE


Anyone nodding off during a play planned for next year in London need not fear an elbow in the ribs from their neighbour - Lullaby, is designed to send audiences to sleep. ... READ MORE


Las Vegas - long a destination for weddings - was extra busy Sunday as couples sought a perfect 10 to tie the knot: Oct. 10, 2010. ... READ MORE


A 56-year-old man was stunned when he was asked to prove he was over 18 when buying beer and tobacco. ... READ MORE


Women can tell from other women's voices how much of a threat they pose to their relationships, anthropologists have claimed. ... READ MORE


Engineers at Google have tested a self-driving car on the streets of California, the company has announced. ... READ MORE


A pair of blood-sucking "vampires" has been busted for attacking a homeless man in Arizona. ... READ MORE




TWEEN girls love Justin Bieber. Tween girls also love nail polish. Now the 16-year-old pop star is launching his own line of nail polish for his fans. ... READ MORE


Here are the bottom five sites experts say are the "dark alleys" of the Internet: READ HERE


An elderly woman lamenting her mother’s death has been pronounced dead herself by bungling pension officials. ... READ MORE


An unemployed man who trawled the internet leaving obscene messages on tribute sites for dead people is facing jail after being brought to court under a rarely-used law. ... READ MORE


Former actress Alexandra Bastedo has told how she found her three pygmy goats staggering around wildly after they ate psychoactive ‘magic’ mushrooms growing at her animal sanctuary. ... READ MORE


THE former editor-in-chief of Playboy Indonesia has begun a two-year prison sentence for publishing pictures of scantily clothed women, riling free speech activists in the world's most populous Muslim nation. ... READ MORE


Leona Gage, who in 1957 was named Miss USA but had the title stripped the next day when pageant officials learned she was married and a mother of two, has died ... READ MORE




A Chicago Fire Department ambulance was stolen in the West Side's West Garfield Park neighborhood this morning while its paramedics were attending to their patient inside it. ... READ MORE


A PROMINENT psychiatrist has been sued for helping his former model patient overcome a history of abuse by arranging sexual encounters with other patients. ... READ MORE


A new device that gently tugs on the skin on a person's finger to indicate which direction a driver should turn could replace the talking GPS devices found in many cars today. ... READ MORE


Two women have been cited for animal cruelty in Vermont after police found 77 cats living in two cars. ... READ MORE


AN ORLANDO man thought he was buying a Halloween decoration when he spent $US8 ($8.11) on a box of bones at a yard sale, but later discovered it was a real human skeleton. ... READ MORE


A neighborly dispute over bananas has resulted in the arrest of a Port St. Lucie man. ... READ MORE


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