Friday, October 08, 2010

Enhanced underpants help men put up a front


British retailer Marks & Spencer is offering a new line of enhancing underpants for men. One design provides a 20 percent visual lift in back; the other a 38 percent visual enhancement in front. ... READ MORE


.... In status updates across the social networking site, women around the world are going risqué with suggestive messages saying, "I like it on the floor," "I like it on the kitchen counter" and even "in the back seat of my car." ... READ MORE


Over Past 2 Decades, Several Thousand Canines have Benefited from Technology Once Reserved for Their Human Masters ... READ MORE


Police warned a gardener who trimmed a bush into the shape of a penis and testicles that he could be committing a public order offence. ... READ MORE


University of Florida Research: Heavier Women Make $14K Less Than Average-Sized Workers, Thin Men, $9K Less ... READ MORE


Decision to Pull Sex Drive Pill Comes after Studies Failed to Show Major Increase in Sexual Desire in Women who Took Drug ... READ MORE


John Lennon, the late Beatles singer, has been celebrated with a special interactive Google doodle to commemorate what would have been his 70th birthday. ... READ MORE


A PRETTY female student has been left devastated after a detailed "sex dossier" ranking men she had slept with became a worldwide internet hit. ... READ MORE


London Fan Wrote to Star and Was Thrilled When Celeb Showed Up Unannounced at Her School in Character ... READ MORE


The management of the Vienna State Opera and its ballet company says it has fired a ballerina for posing in the nude after she was warned not to do it again. ... READ MORE


More than 100 woman were at a fundraiser Vancouver Island watching a man dressed as a police officer peel off his uniform when a women who was standing on a chair refused to get down after another onlooker argued she didn't have a clear view. ... READ MORE


While many people don't like to put a face to their meals, Nishiki Sushi in Sacramento, Calif. had been serving dancing seafood until PETA asked them to stop. ... READ MORE


.. Onyx, the police dog, jumped from Bloom's cruiser and attacked the suspect, latching onto his leg, according to police. But then Lewis did his own chomping, biting into the dog's side, ... READ FULL STORY HERE






Man Faces Charges For Allegedly Castrating Dog Without The Owner's Permission ... READ MORE


The footprints, preserved in fossilized form, date back 250 million years. If the findings hold up, that would mean dinosaurs existed about 9 million years earlier than previously believed ... READ MORE


Larry Wilcox Involved in Scheme with Several Kickback Operations Run by Small-Company Stock Promoters, Says SEC ... READ MORE


A Kentucky group has filed a lawsuit after being denied a request to create a specialty license plate bearing the motto, "In God We Trust." ... READ MORE


A 19-YEAR-OLD woman is facing a child endangerment charge after her 4-year-old daughter ate a brownie laced with marijuana, a prosecutor said. ... READ MORE


THE teen who provided the voice for the precocious cartoon character Dora the Explorer filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court Thursday, claiming Nickelodeon cheated her out of millions of dollars. ... READ MORE


Japan is hosting its 10th national poem boxing championships where contestants are given three minutes to deliver a verse and record a win. ... READ MORE


A distressed cockerel has been found trapped in a wheelie bin – in an apparent copycat of the attack on dumped cat Lola. ... READ MORE


President of Games Says Latest Fiasco "Is a Very Positive Story that Athletes Are Being Responsible ... READ MORE


A Montana woman accused of taking a crowbar to an art museum display that has spurred protests and been denounced as obscene was arrested Wednesday .... READ MORE


A 69-year-old Detroit man has put off surgery to install a pacemaker in his chest so he can watch a college football game on TV this weekend. ... READ MORE


Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has received an unusual birthday gift — an erotic calendar made by 12 female journalism students at Moscow State University. ... READ MORE


Seeing their relationship crumbling before them, the pair took drastic action. Both of them underwent gastric bypass surgeries and have now shed more than 400 pounds between the both of them ... READ MORE


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