France bans Twitter term 'hashtag'
The French government has included the Twitter term 'hashtag' in a list of words to be avoided in order to protect the national language.
Monday is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
Monday is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, so go ahead and enjoy the simple pleasure of popping the stuff that has protected millions of products over the last 53 years. READ HERE
Bigfoot: Is Mysterious Screech Sasquatch?
It’s not foot prints, grainy video or sightings. This time it’s audio.
Video Clip/Audio Here
Rabbits gnawing away at cars in Colorado airport
Rabbits living near the Denver International Airport in Colorado are crawling underneath parked cars and chewing away brake lines.
Funeral procession for Pennsylvania man stops at Burger King drive-thru
Mourners at a Pennsylvania fast-food fan's funeral wanted him to have it his way, so they arranged for his hearse -- and the rest of the procession -- to make one last drive-thru visit before reaching the cemetery.
Husband Dumps Load Of Horse Crap On Cheating Wife's Peugeot
Armed with his tractor and a healthy scooping of horse manure, the man promptly unloads the hundreds of kilos of crap into the passenger cabin of his wife's beloved Peugeot convertible.
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