Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Headline: Cops: Florida Man Attacked Father With Christmas Tree
Clip from:
Date of clip: 2.12.8
Caption: Not the true meaning of Christmas.
Authorities say a west Florida man who lives with his parents has been arrested on a felony assault charge after he used a Christmas tree as a weapon to attack his father.

According to the Manatee County sheriff's report, 37-year-old Thomas Edward Lackie was arrested last week after he threw a 3-foot Christmas tree at his father. The tree missed, but Lackie then tried to use the steel base from the tree to strike his father.

His father and mother were able to grab Lackie's arms to prevent the attack. Deputies say the tree could have caused serious injuries because the metal base weighs about five pounds.

Headline: Man Says God Ordered Him to Ram Vehicle at 100 MPH
Clip from:
Date of clip: 2.12.8
Caption: Confused, the devil made him do it.
SAN ANTONIO — A man who rammed his truck into a woman's vehicle on a highway early Friday told authorities he crashed into her while going more than 100 mph because God told him "she needed to be taken off the road."

The truck rear-ended the car on U.S. Highway 281 and both vehicles spun across a median before coming to a stop along a barrier in the opposite lanes.

Headline: Bill shock puts woman in hospital
Clip from:
Date of clip: 2.12.8
Caption: It would be a shocking experience.
AN elderly South Australian Housing Trust resident was so upset to receive a quarterly electricity bill for almost $4500 she ended up in hospital.

Greenwith widowed pensioner Wilma Verneulem, 72, yesterday told The Advertiser she was stunned to open an account from energy provider AGL demanding $4489.71 for just three months of electricity use.

Headline: Deer Gets Revenge After Hunter Shoots Him
Clip from:
Date of clip: 1.12.8
Caption: Didn't this happen in a cartoon?
A hunter bagged a big buck on the second day of firearms season, but the kill caused him a lot of pain. Randy Goodman, 49, said he thought two well-placed shots with his .270-caliber rifle had killed the buck on Nov. 19. Goodman said the deer looked dead to him, but seconds later the nine-point, 240-pound animal came to life.

The buck rose up, knocked Goodman down and attacked him with his antlers in what the veteran hunter called "15 seconds of hell." The deer ran a short distance and went down, and died after Goodman fired two more shots.

Headline: Thief Steals Thanksgiving Dinner Off Woman's Porch
Clip from:
Date of clip: 1.12.8
Caption: Didn't this happen in a cartoon?
A Wisconsin family found it hard to be thankful after a thief made off with their turkey dinner.

Lillian Moore says she sent a cooler stuffed with Thanksgiving food to her daughter Cindy, only to have it stolen from her porch.

Moore packed the cooler with half a turkey, potatoes and salad. She left it on her daughter's porch Wednesday evening because her daughter's refrigerator was too small to hold the food.

When Cindy Moore went to get the turkey Thanksgiving morning, the cooler was gone.

Cindy Moore says she had to buy turkey using money she sets aside for bills. The disabled single mother didn't bother reporting the theft to police.

Headline: Cheap sex - the credit crunch is biting under the sheets
Clip from:
Date of clip: 1.12.8
Caption: Somethings in life are free--until the baby comes along
As the credit crunch bites, Britons may be turning to sex as a cheap way to pass the time, a charity says.

A YouGov survey of 2,000 adults found sex was the most popular free activity, ahead of window shopping and gossiping.

The Scots were most amorous with 43% choosing sex over other pastimes, compared with 35% in South England.

Aids charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, which published the survey, also welcomed recent figures showing an increase in condom sales.

Around one in 10 respondents to the survey, carried in November, said their favourite free activity was window shopping and 6% chose going to a museum as the cheapest way to pass the time.

Headline: Sweet Jesus that's distasteful
Clip from:
Date of clip: 1.12.8
Caption: Much like when the real Jesus was put to death because leaders hated him.
GERMANY'S churches have criticised a businessman for selling thousands of Jesus chocolates.
Frank Oynhausen set up his “Sweet Lord” chocolate Jesus-making business saying he wanted to restore some traditional religious values to Christmas in Germany.

“I started thinking about how I could reintroduce traditional religious values into this commercial world,” Mr Oynhausen said .

Together with a friend, a local chocolatier, Mr Oynhausen, 54, developed the concept of “Sweet Lord.” Mr Oynhausen said thousands of people have put in orders for the figures wrapped in gold foil.

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