Thursday, March 26, 2009

Taking The Bite Out Of It

Headline: Rumors Bites! Headmaster Denies Vampires At School
Origin of 26.3.9
Caption: Taking The Bite Out Of It
Apparently, it's not the bloody truth. After stories spread that vampires were strolling the campus of Boston Latin School, the headmaster of the prestigious college-prep school put a stake in the rumors. Lynne Mooney Teta sent a notice out Thursday to faculty, students, and parents denying the presence of bloodsuckers. She declined, however, to offer details about the rumors.

Boston Police spokesman Eddy Chrispin said police were called to the school Wednesday after hearing of the vampire tales. Chrispin said he didn't know if the alleged vampires were among the student body or hiding in old corners of the building.

Headline: Doctors Reattach Man's Arm After 900-Pound Pig Attack
Origin of 26.3.9
Caption: Porked
CLOVIS, N.M. — A 26-year-old Curry County man had his arm nearly severed by a 900-pound boar that attacked him when he reached into the animal's pen to grab a water hose.

Curry County sheriff's deputies say Juan Cruz, a dairy worker, was attacked March 16 when he was feeding the boar and about 18 other pigs at his home in rural eastern New Mexico.

Cruz, speaking through an interpreter, says doctors in Lubbock, Texas, reattached his arm, but he is waiting to see if the operation was successful.

Cruz says the pig wasn't mean and the attack was unexpected.

Headline: Man Gets 90 Days In Jail In Vacuum Sex Act Case
Origin of 26.3.9
Caption: Nothing Like Good Suction

Man Accused Of Performing Sex Act With Car Wash Vacuum Sentenced To 90 Days In Jail

Headline: School to Parents: Dead Daughter Can't Go to Prom
Origin of 25.3.9
Caption: How can a dead person go to school?
We are not making fun of the death. We are making fun of the stupid school.

The parents of a British teen, who died suddenly two months ago, received a disturbing letter from the girl's high school saying she needs to improve her attendance or can't go to the prom, the Manchester Evening News reported.

The letter said Megan Gillan's attendance was 60.4 percent and the school requires its students to keep a 92 percent attendance record.

"I screamed when I first saw it," her mother Margaret Gillan told the newspaper. If they want her to attend that much I'll take Megan's remains. It's disgusting."

Gillan was found dead Jan. 19 in her bedroom at her parent's home. The letter was dated March 16.

Headline: Driver Says GPS Unit Led Him to Edge of Cliff
Origin of 25.3.9
Caption: GPS Gets Mean
A British driver has blamed his GPS navigation unit for leaving his car teetering on the edge of a cliff after he followed its instructions.

Robert Jones said he trusted his navigational system and continued to follow it when it told him the steep, narrow footpath he was driving on was a road.

Jones, from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, northern England, now has a court date for driving without due care and attention.

His BMW nearly plunged down a 100-foot cliff in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, on Sunday

Headline: Family Visits Wrong Gravesite For 24 Years Following Cemetery Mix-Up
Origin of Clip: 25.3.9
Caption: Sad really
For the past 24 years a Toronto family has been visiting a gravesite they believed held the remains of their great grandfather. It turns out they have been laying flowers, and prayers, down at the plot of a total stranger.

... she brought her mother's ashes to be buried with her great grandfather at Resthaven Memorial Gardens on Monday.

When she arrived she found a new marker in his usual spot, and was then told that his grave was actually in another location.

"He came out said 'No, you're confused, you're upset, It happens to people.' I said, 'No, I am not. I know where I have been doing for 24 years..." **** said.

"We've been bringing flowers every birthday, every Father's Day, Christmas. And we've been visiting him and it's not even him."

Headline: Romantic Teen Seeks Prom Date, Gets Cops Instead
Origin of Clip: 25.3.9
Caption: Spray Painted Romance Gets Tainted
A South Carolina teen's romantic gesture has won him the attention of police and environmental officers. Authorities told The Island Packet of Hilton Head that the 18-year-old man was caught spray painting the word "prom" on the beach near the home Sunday of the young lady he wanted to take to the dance. A neighbor had called police.

Deputies made the teen clean the area, but did not file any charges.

The spray paint cans were sent to environmental officials to see if the chemicals pose any harm to the beach.

Headline: Frantic 911 Call: "My Wife Is Biting Me!"
Origin of Clip: 24.3.9
Caption: Help, I Need Someone
Some people will go to fisticuffs to get their point across, and others will go to, well, handcuffs, reports WCBS In New York.

Such was the case for a Fairfield woman having marital problems who desperately wanted to talk to her husband after he apparently decided to leave her.

Helen Sun, 37, was arrested Tuesday after sneaking into Robert Drawbough's bedroom and handcuffing herself to him while he slept so they could talk.

Drawbough, frightened by his wife's antics, however, called police immediately and begged the dispatcher for help after his wife began biting and scratching him.

Headline: Police Say Woman Used Fake ID To Get Fake Breasts
Origin of Clip: 24.3.9
Caption: Fake and Flaky
Police are seeking a woman they said used a false identity to get breast implants and liposuction, then skipped town. Huntington Beach police said Monday that a 30-year-old woman opened a line of credit in someone else's name in September 2008 and had the procedures worth more than $12,000 performed at the Pacific Center For Plastic Surgery.

Headline: Spider-Man comes to boy's rescue
Origin of Clip: 24.3.9
Caption: Spiderman Saves The Day Or Was That Mighty Mouse
A FIREMAN turned superhero when he dressed up as comic-book character Spider-Man to coax a frightened eight-year-old from a balcony, police say.
Teachers at a special needs school in Bangkok alerted authorities yesterday when an autistic pupil, scared of going to lessons, sat out on the third-floor ledge and refused to come inside, a police sergeant said.

Despite teachers' efforts to beckon the boy inside, he refused to budge until his mother mentioned her son's love of superheroes, prompting fireman Sonchai Yoosabai to take a novel approach to the problem.

"My fireman rushed back to the fire station and took out his Spider-Man costume ... The boy immediately ran into his arms with a smile,'' Sergeant Virat Boonsadao said.

Headline: Parrot Awarded for Yelling About Choking Baby
Origin of Clip: 24.3.9
Caption: Parrot is a Hero
DENVER — A parrot that alerted his owner about a baby who was choking was recognized as a hero by the Red Cross.

Willie the parrot was given the Animal Lifesaver Award during the "Breakfast of Champions" event attended by Gov. Bill Ritter and Mayor John Hickenlooper.

Willie received the award Friday for his actions in November, when he and owner Megan Howard were baby-sitting a toddler. Willie repeatedly yelled "Mama, baby" when Howard went to the bathroom and the toddler started to choke on her breakfast.

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