Friday, April 24, 2009

Thrill Kills

Headline: Vodka girls' risky twist on spin-the-bottle
Origin of Clip: 24.4.9
Caption: Thrill Kills
TEENAGE girls as young as 15 are skolling vodka in a new twist of the spin-the-bottle game.

Girls are being hospitalised for acute alcohol poisoning as they participate in risky drinking by skolling straight spirits to try to compete with men.

Almost 1700 children were treated for alcohol poisoning in NSW hospitals last year, The Daily Telegraph reports.

Leading drug and alcohol experts warned against the game, which is being played in other states including Queensland and Victoria.

Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia director Paul Dillon said in the past month he had visited schools in NSW, Queensland and Victoria where girls spoke of the game.

"There is a phenomenal (abuse) of vodka. Girls are drinking it, wrongly believing it contains no calories, that because it is clear it is better than other spirits and because it's odourless," he said.

Instead of spinning the bottle and having to kiss the person it points to, girls are taking large swigs of alcohol.

"Girls are not using mixers because of the calories and so they are drinking the spirits straight," he said.

"They are getting the taste for spirits through alcopops and then leaping into the straight spirits."

Headline: Man Pretending to Fall Off Bridge Actually Falls
Origin of Clip: 24.4.9
Caption: Not Just a Pretence
BLOOMINGTON, Minn. — Police said a 23-year-old man is in stable condition after he pretended that he was falling off a bridge over the Minnesota River, then actually fell off the bridge.

Police got a call just before 5 a.m. Sunday from a 21-year-old man who said his friend fell off the Highway 77 bridge and into a marshy area about 30 feet below.

The caller said he was driving north when his friend, who he said had been drinking, told him to pull into the bridge's emergency lane so he could urinate.

The 23-year-old stood eventually climbed to the ledge of the bridge, then looked at his friend and pretended to fall. "He then in fact fell," reads a press release from the Bloomingtin Police Department.

Headline: Men Find Abandoned Safe Thought To Be Century Old
Origin of Clip: 23.4.9
Caption: Old Strong Box said they've found an abandoned safe by the side of some railroad tracks and that it could be more than a century old. Bill Dodd, one of the men who found the safe about a month and a half ago, says it weighs about 4,000 pounds. It's now on display at an east Tulsa sign company while the men decide what to do with it.

The patent dates on the safe range from 1856 to 1907. Dodd says that the safe is rusted shut and its locks have been broken off. He says he thinks there's something inside and that it hasn't been opened as far as he knows.

Headline: Who's There: Owl Lives In Ark. Home Depot
Origin of Clip: 23.4.9
Caption: Gives a Hoot
A Home Depot in northern Arkansas has someone new looking out for mice at the warehouse store. A great horned owl now lives in the Harrison store's garden center, looking down on surprised customers shopping for flowers and paving stones. Employees say the bird's mother flew inside of the enclosed garden center during a January ice storm and laid eggs atop a pallet of merchandise.

Over time, the mother disappeared and two baby owls poked their heads out of the nest. One fell to its death, but the other survived, its four-foot wing span blocking out the sun as he flies around the garden center.

Since the garden center is open to the sky, the owl will leave, but always comes back, employees said.

"He's kind of our pet now," garden center supervisor John Gallagher told the Harrison Daily Times.

And the owl likely will remain there. Randy Zellers, managing editor of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's Arkansas Wildlife magazine, said owls are classified as raptors, which are protected under strict federal regulations.

To remove the owl, the store would have to get special licenses. Zellers said there's really no reason for anyone to try and move the owl for now.

"If he isn't bothering anything, it's perfectly fine," Zellers said.

Headline: Wife wanted for millionaire, apply within
Origin of Clip: 23.4.9
Caption: Get Rich Quick Scheme For The Right Woman
HOPING to prove money can buy love, a self-made millionaire has employed a matchmaker to find him a wife.

The bachelor, who is 44 and drives an American-made car, wants a family and is keeping his name secret until love comes knocking, the Detroit Free Press reports.

He has hired Janis Spindel, a New York matchmaker with 867 marriages to her credit.

Ms Spindel, whose fee starts at about $50,000, is heading to Detroit next week, "tearing the town apart until I find a wife for a really, really handsome, awesome man".

"He ... has obviously been working like a madman and looking for love in all the wrong places," Ms Spindel says. "He's had a billion horrific blind dates."

And so just what is this man of money looking for in a potential partner?

Headline: Minn. Surgeon Needs Two Tries To Remove Appendix
Origin of Clip: 23.4.9
Caption: Doc: If you don't succeed...
A state investigative report said a surgeon performed an appendectomy on the same patient twice after he mistakenly removed a piece of fatty tissue instead the first time. The Star Tribune reported that the surgeon realized his mistake two days after the first operation after a hospital pathologist reported what was removed was "not an appendix."

Headline: It's Diet Coke for mum allergic to water
Origin of Clip: 23.4.9
Caption: I'll have soup without water.
AN English woman who developed an allergy to water almost four years ago remains unable to shower, swim or even cuddle her toddler.

Michaela Dutton developed the incurable allergy after giving birth to son Mitchell in 2005. Since then, contact with water of any kind triggers a burning rash on her skin. She cannot drink water, and coffee makes her throat blister and swell, but she is able to tolerate Diet Coke.

Getting caught in the rain causes a painful outbreak.

The agonising condition is so rare it affects only one in 230 million people.

Ms Dutton told the Daily Mail the allergy - known as aquagenic urticaria - had made her a prisoner in her own body and had placed a “terrible strain on what I can do”.

“I can’t really hold Mitchell because if he sweats or dribbles or spills a drink on me I get covered in sore itchy lumps,” she told the the Daily Mail.

Headline: Apollo 14 Astronaut: Space Aliens Are Real
Origin of Clip: 22.4.9
Caption: We are the NEW Frontier
An Apollo 14 astronaut told a group of UFOlogists Monday that aliens are not a myth and called on the government to disclose its findings, The Washington Times reported.

"It is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence," Edgar D. Mitchell, who made the longest moonwalk in history, told those attending a conference in Gaithersburg, Md., set up by the Paradigm Research Group.

"I call upon our government to open up ... and become a part of this planetary community that is now trying to take our proper role as a spacefaring civilization," the 79-year-old added. "We are being visited."

Paradigm Research Group founder Stephen Bassett backed Mitchell's theory and demanded that President Obama's administration release all information concerning extraterrestrial beings.

"If it does not disclose, by the end of May — this is not a threat or anything, you don't threaten the United States government, they're heavily armed ...

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