Friday, December 12, 2008

Kinky Canadian

Headline: Canadian Man Builds Himself Robot Girlfriend
Clip from:
Date of clip: 12.12.8
Caption: Kinky Canadian
A Canadian man, apparently unable to find the perfect woman, has done the next best thing — he's built himself one.

Le Trung, a 33-year-old software engineer who lives with his parents in Brampton, Ontario, a suburb of Toronto, says he's spent about $20,000 so far on Aiko, a 5-foot-tall female android with clear skin, a slim if shapely figure and a wonderful disposition.

Headline: Boy Survives 16-Inch Arrow Through the Head
Clip from:
Date of clip: 12.12.8
Caption: It was not Cupid
A Chinese schoolboy narrowly escaped death after being accidentally shot through the head with a 16-inch arrow.

The arrow pierced Liu Cheong's eye socket, traveled through his head and lodged in the back of his skull.

The 11-year-old only survived because the arrow missed his brain.

"If the arrow had been shot with just a bit more force, it would have come out the back of his head," said medics at Jida Hospital in Changchun, eastern China.

Surgeons chipped away at parts of the boy's skull for more than four hours to remove the arrow, which had sunk more than four inches into his head.

"It is a miracle he survived the accident," said one medic.

Doctors have warned his parents he still faces a risk of infection and even further operations.

Headline: Man Handcuffs His Wife To The Bed, But Loses Key
Clip from:
Date of clip: 12.12.8
Caption: Lost The Key -Yea Right
If you love something, set it free. And if you can't, call the police. The Detroit Free Press reported police responded to a call Thursday morning by a Dearborn man who handcuffed his wife to their bed but misplaced the key.
Police used a universal key to free the woman.

Headline: Firefighter arrested for fire hoaxes
Clip from:
Date of clip: 11.12.8
Caption: Fire Crier
A NEW York fireman has been arrested for crying fire - when there was no fire.
Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta told NY1 television overnight that the rogue firefighter had been secretly calling comrades out to non-existent emergencies. Commissioner Scoppetta did not describe the motives of what he called "simply outrageous" actions...

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