Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Skin Deep Beauty

Headline: Police: Beauty Queen Arrested in Gun-Filled Truck
Date of clip: 23.12.8
Caption: beauty is just skin deep
GUADALAJARA, Mexico — A beauty queen from Mexico's drug-plagued Sinaloa state has been arrested after she was found riding with suspected gang members in a truck filled with weapons.

Jalisco state police director Francisco Alejandro Solorio says Laura Zuniga and seven alleged gunmen were detained at a military checkpoint in Zapopan, just outside the city of Guadalajara.

Headline: Council removes 'Urinate in public' signs
Date of clip: 23.12.8
Caption: No Pissing

Nottingham City Council is now removing the signs as quickly as possible, and said last night people should ignore them.

The signs, which were put up by a prankster in and around the city, appear official.

They feature a male toilet sign and are accompanied by a letter which says it is legal to urinate in the street after 7.30pm.

The laminated note, headed with the logo of Nottingham City Council, adds the signs were part of a scheme to reduce the mess faced by residents outside their homes.

Nottingham City Council is now urging the public to ignore the notices as it sets about removing them.

Headline: Man Tries To Go Home For Holidays _ By Fire Truck
Date of clip: 23.12.8
What kind of mileage does that thing get? Police in South Salt Lake, Utah, have arrested a man they say tried to steal a fire truck so he could drive home _ to Washington _ for Christmas.

Detective Gary Keller says firefighters on a medical call heard the $500,000 truck's air horn blaring Monday and ran outside. They found a man in the driver's seat trying to drive away.

Headline: Mass. Man Melting Snow With Blowtorch Ignites Home
Date of clip: 23.12.8
Caption: Opps!
Fire officials in New Bedford, Mass., say a man using a blowtorch to melt ice on his back porch ended up setting his house on fire, causing up to $30,000 in damage.

Fire Capt. Scott Kruger tells The Standard-Times of New Bedford that no on was injured during Monday's incident at the three-story home.

Kruger says the man was using a torch hooked up to a 20-pound propane cylinder. He got too close to the building's wood frame and ignited the vinyl siding. The fire quickly spread into the building's second- and third-floor apartments. ...

Headline: Man Eats 7 Pounds Of Latkes To Win NY Contest
Date of clip: 23.12.8
Caption: He Must Have Been Hungry
That's a lot of latkes. A 23-year-old mechanical engineering student has downed 46 of the potato pancakes in eight minutes to win a contest at a Long Island deli.

Pete Czerwinski (sir-WIN'-skee) says he'd never eaten a latke (lot-kuh) before consuming about seven pounds of them Sunday at Zan's in Lake Grove. The Toronto bodybuilder says he's just "a power eater" whose brain never signals that he's full.

Headline: German Priest Aims to Knock Off Santa
Date of clip: 22.12.8
Caption: Santa Killer
Santa's a cheap American knockoff?
Don't you believe it, Virginia!
But that's exactly what a German Catholic priest is preaching in his international campaign to do away with Father Christmas, claiming his legend promotes the commercialization of Christmas.
"The movement is intended to raise awareness of the fact that the consumption-oriented Santa launched by the Christmas gift industry has very little to do with the holy bishop Saint Nicholas," ...

Headline: Cocaine Suspect Describes Himself To Texas Police
Date of clip: 22.12.8
Caption: I'm Your Dope Dealer
Galveston police knew who to look for _ exactly _ when they arrested an alleged delivery man in a call-for-cocaine investigation. A 29-year-old Galveston man was jailed Friday on a charge of manufacturing or delivering a controlled substance. Sgt. T. Barr, at the Galveston County Jail, told The Associated Press that John Patrick Lacour Jr. was held on $250,000 bond. Barr had no information on an attorney for Lacour.Officers, acting on a tip, called the number and pretended to want to buy cocaine. They requested a delivery to a certain address, plus asked the person to describe himself so they would know who to expect.

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