Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Squirrel Saver

Headline: Va. Man Charged With Killing Hawk To Help Squirrel
Clip from:
Date of clip: 10.2.9
Caption: Squirrel Saver
For a Virginia doctor, squirrels are a man's best friend, too. Thomas Shepler, a hand surgeon, shot a hawk to death in his backyard when he said the bird was eyeing a young squirrel that he and his wife had helped raise.

Shepler, 65, said the hawk had previously killed an adult squirrel near his suburban Washington home in Vienna. When the doctor tried to chase away the bird over the weekend by yelling and throwing a crowbar at it, the hawk didn't leave the area.

So Shepler got a shotgun and killed it.

A police officer heard the shot Saturday and Shepler was arrested. He was charged with discharging a firearm in public and cruelty to animals.

Headline: Naked chief splits after YouTube stunt
Clip from:
Date of clip: 10.2.9
Caption: Weird-- figure this one out by yourself
THE head of the advertising firm behind the controversial Witchery Man advertising campaign featuring a fake YouTube video has parted ways with the company.
Naked Communications' issued a press release this afternoon saying chief executive Mat Baxter would leave the company today to "pursue other new business opportunities'', The Australian reports.

Mr Baxter's departure comes days after controversial magazine ads placed by Naked appeared, naming and thanking the media who reported on the search for love of "Heidi Clarke'' - the fake identity of the model who appeared in the video looking for the owner of a men's jacket.

Mr Baxter said Naked was moving in a new direction and the decision for him to leave was mutual. He said it was not connected with a backlash over the Witchery Man campaign.

Headline: Man Calls 911 After Clerk Refuses To Sell Beer
Clip from:
Date of clip: 10.2.9
Caption: Dumb 911 call
Authorities said a 40-year-old man was arrested for calling 911 to complain about a convenience store clerk. The man was charged with disorderly conduct and released on bond according to jail records.

Officials said a convenience store clerk called 911 early Saturday morning and told the dispatcher that a customer was threatening her because she would not sell him any more beer.

Headline: Man Calls 911 After Eatery Runs Out Of Lemonade
Clip from:
Date of clip: 9.2.9
Caption: Dumb 911 call
Authorities said a man, 66, was arrested after calling 911 on Saturday to complain that a fast food restaurant ran out of lemonade. After a drive-through employee failed to respond to the man's threat of contacting the police, the irate diner called 911, a police report alleges.

He spent about 5 minutes talking to the 911 operator about his complaint.

Headline: Scientists create 'living' doll made of human cancer cells
Clip from:
Date of clip: 9.2.9
Caption: Sick Doll
A "living" doll made of human cancer cells has been created by scientists to illustrate a new method of testing potentially life-saving treatments.

The cancer cell figure created by Japanese scientists Photo: Shoji Takeuchi
The 5mm high figure – which bears a passing resemblance to a jelly baby – was created from liver cancer cells held in place with the help of 100,000 capsules of collagen.

Each capsule was also coated with special cells that secreted a protein which helped bind the 3D structure.

The entity's humorous shape was created with a specially-made mould, but scientists at the University of Tokyo say that the technique has serious medical applications.

Shoji Takeuchi, who led the team at the Institute of Industrial Science, says that it will enable researchers to create a range of structures containing multiple cell types, allowing them to test cancer drugs in environments more closely resembling the human body.

Headline: 56-Year-Old Becomes First Woman to Swim Atlantic
Clip from:
Date of clip: 8.2.9
Caption: Astonishing Feat
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Jennifer Figge pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand, exhilarated and exhausted as she touched land this week for the first time in almost a month.

Reaching a beach in Trinidad, she became the first woman on record to swim across the Atlantic Ocean — a dream she'd had since the early 1960s, when a stormy trans-Atlantic flight got her thinking she could don a life vest and swim the rest of the way if needed.

The 56-year-old left the Cape Verde Islands off Africa's western coast on Jan. 12, battling waves of up to 30 feet and strong winds.

Headline: Police: Robber Offers Crash Victim Hush Money
Clip from:
Date of clip: 8.2.9
Caption: Robber offers stolen loot to crash victim as hush money
A suspected bank robber is behind bars after a woman whose car he hit during the getaway declined a share of the booty to keep quiet. According to investigators, a 46-year-old man walked into a branch of Bank of the West at noon Thursday and handed an employee a note demanding money.

Investigators said the man fled with the cash, but a few minutes later collided with another car. The driver told police that the man explained he had just robbed a bank and offered her a share of the take to keep quiet.

Headline: N.C. Racers Run 2 Miles, Eat 12 Doughnuts, Return
Clip from:
Date of clip: 8.2.9
In a charity race Saturday, more than 5,000 runners ran two miles to a downtown Raleigh Krispy Kreme shop, ate a dozen glazed doughnuts each and returned to North Carolina State University in less than an hour.

That's 2,400 calories and 144 grams of fat consumed while burning about 400 calories during the run.

The student-run Krispy Kreme Challenge raised about $35,000 for the North Carolina Children's...

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