Sunday, April 05, 2009

They Swear

Headline: Kids Told to Shout Obscenities in 'Swearing Lesson'
Origin of Clip: 5.4.9
Caption: They Swear
A British school was blasted Friday after kids as young as 11 were told to shout obscenities during a lesson in swearing.

Expletives like the f-word and c-word were written on a blackboard before a teacher explained their meaning to 30 seventh graders.

S.t Laurence School in Bradford on Avon, Wilts, claims it was part of a sex and relationship education program to "dispel" the myths of swear words.

But parents say they were not consulted by head James Colquhoun about the class and say kids were left "deeply upset."

One parent said: "This is a total disgrace. Our children go to school to gain an education, not qualifications in swear words. Most kids had no idea what the words meant and were forced to grow up faster than their parents want. Heads should roll for this."

Headline: Villagers chase away Google car
Origin of Clip: 5.4.9
Caption: Villagers surfs Google out of town
Google's ambitious plan to offer a 3-D street level view of communities across three continents hit a snag when angry residents of a UK village blocked the search engine's camera car from photographing their homes.
Fearing the appearance of their well appointed properties on the Web site would attract criminals scouting for burglary targets, villagers in Broughton, north of London, summoned the police after spotting the car.

"I was upstairs when I spotted the camera car driving down the lane," resident Paul Jacobs told The Times of London.

"My immediate reaction was anger: How dare anyone take a photograph of my home without my consent? I ran outside to flag the car down and told the driver he was not only invading our privacy but also facilitating crime.

Headline: Man clings to car bonnet for 4kms
Origin of Clip: 5.4.9
Caption: My Bonny Lies Over The Ocean or we should say The Man Lies Over The Bonnet
A MAN had to cling to the bonnet of a car for four kilometres as its driver allegedly attempted to throw him off during a road rage incident in Sydney.
NSW Police said the 30-year-old man and his wife were travelling along Parramatta Road at Concord in Sydney's inner west at 8.20pm (AEDT) last night when they were involved in a minor collision with a Peugeot hatchback.

After the Peugeot failed to stop, the couple caught up with it further along Parramatta Road, where they stopped and approached the vehicle while it was stuck in heavy traffic.

The driver of the Peugeot then allegedly began to drive at the couple, forcing the man onto the bonnet.

Headline: Drive-thru nude at Tim Hortons
Origin of Clip: 4.4.9
Caption: Nude at Hortons
Defying conventional wisdom about the dangers of mixing hot beverages and naked bodies, a man showed up skin to seat at a Tim Hortons drive-through Thursday morning. "My understanding is a gentleman came through the drive-through operating a mini-van wearing nothing but a smile," said Sgt. David Cowan of Saint John police. Police were called, but the clothing-liberated driver had already driven away. Cowan said he didn't know if the driver got his coffee.

Headline: It's official - you look like your dog
Origin of Clip: 4.4.9
Caption: That wasn't me that was my dog
SCIENTISTS have proved it is possible to match a person to their dog just by their appearance.

And the study suggests a possible reason - people are drawn to pets with similar physical attributes.

Men and women shown pictures of dog owners and asked to guess whether they had a labrador, poodle or staffordshire bull terrier fared almost twice as well as would be expected by chance.

Researchers at Britain's Bath Spa University first set out to see if dogs and their masters had similar personalities.

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